Why Does Your Business Need a Website?

You need a website to market your business! In today’s digital age, having a website as a digital storefront is essential. Even if you already have a website, it may need redesigning to ensure it’s optimized for your current clients and to attract new ones. In this article, I will highlight some signs that indicate you might need a new or updated website.

Outdated Design

If your website was created ten years ago, it shows. Many consumers base their decision to engage with a business on the website's appearance. First impressions matter, and your website is one of the first interactions potential customers have with your business.

Advertising Plugins

Tracking visitors to your website is crucial. Just as you would collect contact information from visitors to a physical store, you should gather data from your website visitors. Modern technology makes it easy to track key demographics such as location, age, and profession.

Social Media Integration

Cross-promotion is a powerful way to optimize your website. Most social media platforms allow you to link to your website, directing users to your site. For social media enthusiasts, integrating your live social media feed into your website can capture visitors' attention.


What are people saying about your business? Recording and showcasing positive customer experiences increases credibility and comfort for prospective customers considering your products or services.


Four Lane Digital Partners with Martindale Brightwood CDCs Micro-enterprise Program